Monthly Standards Focus


As we get back into the rhythm of a new school year, we will focus on Standard 4: Pursue Personal and Aesthetic Growth. Our first skill will be 4.1.4: "Seek information for personal learning." The freshmen will receive an orientation to the library with their English classes. The sophomores will also come to the library through their English classes to select books for their Friday reading. They will be encouraged to "set reading goals and maintain reading lists." Please encourage your students to have leisure reading (books, magazines, newspapers) with them in all of your classes. When they complete an assignment before the rest of their classmates, they can pull out their reading and relax quietly. The second skill that will be a major focus this month is 4.1.7: "Gather and share information using technology and networking tools." I can come to your class to demonstrate new Web 2.0 tools before you bring your students to the library or check out the mobile computer lab.

Coming in October

Next month we will focus on Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge especially skill 1.1.3: "Develop questions for new understanding." If you get a chance, go to the Proquest in the online databases and read Tish Stafford's article in Knowledge Quest September/Octpber 2009 "Teaching Students to Form Effective Questions." It has very useful charts that can help guide us in helping our students develop these skills.
Last Updated July 18, 2010 PPC